Retirement tips! Were your parents able to retire comfortably? How did they take care of all their planning? Have you learned from their experience? You need to make certain that you have developed a plan that will benefit you after retirement. Start a savings account while you're young, and contribute to it regularly throughout life. Even if you start small, you can save today. Save as much as you can throughout your working life. Saving money in an account that pays interest will result in your balance grows over time. Think about taking a partial retirement. If you would like to retire, but cannot afford to yet, partial retirement may be a consideration. This could take the form of keeping your current career, but only part-time. This allows you more leisure time while you continue earning money. You can always take full retirement later on. If your employer matches your contributions, put as much money into your investments as you can. You can put away money before tax ...
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Commercial Real Estate Closing Tips Per Bruce Myles, owner and founder of Proactive Commercial Lending Group, LLC,"a Texas Commercial Lender,"Commercial real estate greatly differs from residential. First of all, it’s not just a transaction between a single buyer and seller, rather, between several parties. And, it also involves several parties, some of which don’t have any real legal interest in the deal. It’s best to be in the know to buy or sell commercial property and to be prepared for the closing. Commercial Real Estate Closing Tips When you are involved in a commercial real estate transaction, you won’t be the only party. Not only will there be a seller, but other people (for instance, tenants). Not to mention attorneys, a title company, and more actors. All of these and more parties will play a role in a commercial sale. Therefore, you should have an actionable plan or it can quickly become a chaotic situation. Knowing zoning requirements, utilities...