Benefits of Getting Multi Family Hard Money Loans, Hard money loans are a great resource to finance a multifamily purchase. But, since commercial real estate investing isn’t as prevalently covered and explained by news media, they are not widely understood. Hard money loans remain somewhat a mystery to many people. And, even those who have experience in the traditional, residential real estate market, might not know much about hard money loans. Benefits of Getting Multi Family Hard Money Loans, Explained So, exactly what are hard money loans? And what advantages do hard money loans provide those seeking to finance for a multi-family property? Well, hard money loans differ from traditional mortgage debt instruments in various ways. You’re probably familiar with how traditional, conforming, fixed-rate mortgages work. You apply, get a pre-qualification, a cursory look at your finances. Then you receive a pre-approval, a more in-depth look, to provide you with a loan amount. F...
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