What You Need to Know about SBA Loans There are some things you should really know SBA loans. If you’re about to go into business for yourself or are looking to expand, you[‘ve probably heard about the Small Business Administration. It’s an institution which exists to help small companies establish a presence, grow, and thrive. But, it’s not actually what most people believe it is (though these facts should be well-known). Yes, the Small Business Administration does assist companies in many industries with different needs, but it does so in a way that’s not like most people realize. With this in-mind, let’s take a look at what you need to know about SBA loans. What You Need to Know about SBA Loans Okay, we’ll begin with the first thing you ought to know about the SBA -- did does NOT loan money. That’s right, although you might hear about SBA loans, the governmental entity itself just doesn’t loan money. Instead, it helps connects businesses to lenders who generally...
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