
Showing posts from October, 2016

Texas Construction Loans

Real estate investing can be very lucrative.  It can also mean financial ruin. Like any other venture, it pays to be prepared and have a well thought-out game plan before jumping into the real property market. To be sure, there are substantial sums of money going into real estate investments but the return on investment can be increased simply having realistic expectations. About Real Estate Investments Real property whether single family homes, rentals, multifamily or commercial can bring sizable returns. However, it’s important to know which will best suit your personality and be the most cost feasible. Too many real estate investors purchase a property only to find the adage, you bought it, you own it is inescapable. Knowing current market conditions is helpful but learning previous trends can be advantageous as well. Making Money in Real Estate Investments Money can be made in real property investments. But the most successful investors are those who understand the fundamen
What You need to Know about SBA Loans There are some things you should know about SBA loans if you are going to apply now or in the near future. The Small Business Administration provides a number of resources to entrepreneurs, newly formed companies, and even established businesses. One such resource are SBA loans, which generally provide small capital amounts for critical needs. What You need to Know about SBA Loans Created in July 1953, the Small Business Administration is a government supported entity which promotes independent commerce through business development, access to capital, and additional functions. But, surprisingly, the Small Business Administration does not actually loan money. Instead, it serves as a type of partial-repayment cosigner, which is why collateral is typically needed to acquire a SBA loan. Here are some more things you need to know about SBA loans: The SBA imposes interest rate limits. Since the Small Business Administration is a government ag