
Showing posts from March, 2018
1031 Exchange Loan Rules 1031 Exchange loan rules unnecessary cause a lot of confusion. People who are unfamiliar with the process usually have misconceptions about what it is and what it isn’t. That’s a real shame, because this simple tax law is great for real estate property investors. If you’ve not heard of a 1031 exchange or have encountered the term, you probably have a few questions. So, let’s look at the basics of 1031 exchange rules. 1031 Exchange Loan Rules Okay, so a 1031 exchange gets its name from the United States tax code. Most of us are familiar with other provisions, like the 401(k) or 403(b) -- both of which relate to retirement investing. But, a 1031 exchange is all about real estate. And, it provides some great benefits to property owners. Also called a like-kind exchange, this procedure is used for its big time tax advantage and other benefits. However, there is often confusion about how it actually works. The purpose of a 1031 exchange is to “s